This week we launched our full second week with a monster mess thematic literacy and numeracy lesson! It was so much fun and yes it was ALSO A BIG MONSTER MESS. Isn’t that true anytime we use PAINT with kindergartners! We read three different books, compared and contrasted them and then students talked about their favorite one! I started with Deanna Jump’s “Monster Mess” innovation of Mouse Paint. Then took off with Go Away Big Green Monster and Leonardo the TERRIBLE MONSTER.
I did create some activities of my own, to practice counting and cardinality skills. Our main focus with this lesson was representing numbers 1-5 as a quantity, numeral, and word. In addition, we also did some writing that included high-frequency words and color words. All perfect for beginning of the year.
On days 1 and 2 we focused on counting, writing (tracing), and making an equal set using a 5 frame and counters. |
Days 3 and 4, some of the kids were ready for a “Challenge.” So, I cut scrapbook/card stock paper in half, laminated and cut out all the parts, so they could play “matching” game (scaffolding at it’s best.)
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