Each year I spend countless hours trying to find free online resources that parents, students, and teachers can use to help student practice their reading. More importantly give all children an opportunity to do so. With this being said, let me share some websites that actually have FREE BOOKS available to read.
To me the act of reading goes hand in hand with listening to someone read. Children of all ages need to hear what reading “sounds” like as much as they need to read on their own! The following four websites offer an opportunity for children to practice their reading. The last one, offers an opportunity for them to listen to stories! Allow your child to explore both reading and being read to! Allow them to practice listening and speaking skills!
Here you go and enjoy, use this as quality time with your child!
As a teacher these two are my favorite for emergent (beginning) readers! So many Leveled readers to choose from! Emergent readers can really practice their fluency and high-frequency word knowledge AKA (dolch, red, sight words) with books on these websites.
These two offer a variety of different STORY books, children can simple click on the book cover and have the option of “reading” or “listening” to the story. Only downfall is they have a lot of on-site advertising. This is usually a distraction for the kids, and they will want to click on that, rather than the book! I recommend 100% supervision with these websites.
Finally, one of my fave! This website is sponsored by the entertainment industry, where different actors and actresses read a children’s story book. In my experience, it’s always fun and entertaining listen to someone “famous” read a story to us! Why not do it at home too? You’ll find hundreds of books here, give yourself a break tonight or at school, and let your children or student’s hear someone else’s voice!
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