Confessions in Summer
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Confessions in Summer
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I’m out on summer break for just a couple of weeks (3 weeks to be exact.) I really don’t have a summer because I choose to participate in our school’s K-3 Plus program. This program is a State initiative that offers 25 extra days of instruction before the regular school year begins for student’s in grades K through 3rd grade. Sort of like and extended school year. Meanwhile that begins, I’m enjoying spending time with my children and trying to relax at home… But I have some Heart Confessions to make! What about you? I would love for you to join me in this linky party about any Heart Confessions in summer you may have as a mom or a teacher, all bloggers are welcome! Here are mine.
Heart Confession #1:
Did you know that we teachers don’t really have a summer? I’m talking about the “summer” that most people paint, portray, say, we have! “oh you’re so lucky, you get to be home all summer long with your kids and only work 9 months out of the year, right!” Let me begin, by stating that although some teachers may have that kind of summer, the majority of us don’t! For example, days after school is out, most of us attend professional developments that last a couple of days, sometimes weeks. We attend summer academies that help us prepare for the following school year! Or in my case, we begin graduate school! It almost feels like you’re never done with school! Heart Confession #1: We never Stop Learning!
Heart Confession #2:
Most teacher’s have a book problem! We can walk into any bookstore and go directly to the children’s book section (even at garage sales!) This is especially true to me, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, buying books for my kids! This particular bookstore is locally owned and I can find new and used books! My kids and I love going there, we spend hours in there browsing and reading books and always walk out with a bag full of books! Heart Confession #2: We Love buying and reading books!
Heart Confession #3:
I Intentional make time for a healthy lifestyle. I think I can honestly say, that we spend so much time lesson planning, reading, creating, and making activities for our student’s that it is so much easier to skip meals and not workout because we simply “DON’T HAVE TIME!” Even during the school year….. I often hear myself telling my husband; “I didn’t have time to eat today, I’m starving!” Heart Confession #3: I Intentionally block some weekdays off to practice yoga. While I run every other day and try to eat healthy, I have to be intentional about making sure, I’m healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally! It may sound selfish, but “me” time is super important because if I’m not healthy neither will my kids! Teachers and mommies, please be INTENTIONAL about taking care of yourself!! One day your kids will thank you!
Heart Confession #4:
I try my best to see possibility everywhere; Even when I’m having a bad day! My mother has always told my sister’s and I: “Take one day at a time!” And when you do, you become, my Heart Confession #4: A doer, a thinker, and you see possibility everywhere! I promise you will!
And that’s my favorite heart confession! Now it’s you turn, just download the first image and create your own list!! Do you have any heart confession? Any tips for me, mommy’s and teacher’s I would love to hear from you! Wishing you an amazing summer break.
P.S. Check out these other heart confessions in summer from other teachers and mom’s!
Wow! I can't believe you are doing the K-3 plus, you are BRAVE! I did summer school one year, newly pregnant, and don't think I could ever do it again. Go you! Have a great summer and can't wait to get to know you more.
This is my 3rd or 4th year doing it! I don't mind it, maybe next year I will take a break! I get to start with my kinder early though, so by the time the actual school year begins, we routines and procedures down!
I just linked up, thank you so much for offering this type of linky party. It really challenged me! I am also very thankful for teachers like you! I hope you have a fantastic summer!
Thank you for linking up! I loved and truly enjoyed your post! I even got teary eyed! I hope to meet you at the TpT Vegas Conference!