Hi everyone! As I write this post my cute little family and I are on a road
trip to the “Happiest Place on Earth!” Our kids are in for an
adventure and I can’t wait to see our very own little princes stand in awe of
all those Disney Princesses! She loves all of them and knows them by name, but
what little girl doesn’t right??!!! My boys are just as excited, but aren’t as
expressive as our little one.
The last time I was there was exactly 30 years ago!!! I still remember that
family trip like it was yesterday. I’m the eldest of five and my youngest
brother was just an infant. In fact my mom has a family picture from Disney,
where all of us where dressed in 1920’s attire… FUNNIEST picture EVER!!! Talk
about nobody posing for that picture with any sort of enthusiasm. I’m
determined to take a picture like that with my own family… if they still have
them available! I hope my kids treasure these memories and talk about them
someday, just like I am now! I am so thankful for my parents, Love you mom and
dad!!! (I think I just got teary eyed)
Anyhow, tomorrow June16th a year ago, was the very first time I ever posted
a blog, and that’s the real reason for this post! In celebration of my one year
blogaversary, I have partnered up with Suzy from On The Go Teacher Mama and we
giving you all an opportunity to enter our giveaways! Suzy and I are also going together to the iTeackK, iTeach2nd, and TPTVegas2015 Conference. Anyone else going?
We will have two winners and each will walk away with a $10 Teachers Pay
Teachers Gift Certificate and any ONE product from our TPT stores, so browse
through our stores and wish list them! Make sure to enter both giveaways below!
Good luck to you all! Wishing you a relaxing and fun summer break! Comment
below with your favorite product from any TPT store or the place of your favorite
childhood family vacation or trip!
P.S. I have another giveaway running at the same time… did you already enter?? If not find out here!
$10 TPT gift Certificate and On The Go Teacher Mama $10 TPT Gift Cerificate and Tchr888
Congratulations on your blogiversary tomorrow! Have fun at Disney!
Thank you Kathy!! 😉
Have a wonderful trip! I'm taking my girls next year for the first time. I love all the contests!
How Exciting Amanda!!! They will love it, our kids could not wait to get here!
Hey girlie! I'd love to add a $10 Starbucks giftcard and $10 TPT for your giveaways this week! Hope you're doing well. Love and miss you tons. Hope we can get together soon. I'm not going to make it to Vegas this year. I've been spending too much money on remodeling my house the past couple months. Pics to come soon though 🙂
Hi Melissa miss you bunches!!!! We definitely need to all get together soon!!! I will email you tonight!! 😉 at Disney all day today!