You’ve cried. You’ve laughed. You’ve stayed silent, thinking. You’ve sulk. You’ve wondered and so have I. When school first shut down, I was ok. In fact I thought to myself, this is going to be nice, we will be getting a three week Spring Break. Then suddenly the pandemic was announced and our lives have shifted for just such a moment as this, and up to this point none of us know for how long.
All of the sudden parents, guardians, grandparents, aunt, uncles, are now full time teachers in addition to their own work responsibilities, which brings us to today. I have seen the memes, the social media posts, the gifs on how all of us are homeschooling. We are shifting the pain and grief of our reality into a comedy, all of which in my opinion is good, I mean Laughter is the best medicine right? Why, because all of us are growing and learning in a way none of us ever imagined. If I am honest, the best part of this, is all the EXTRA time we now have with our own beautiful God given family.
We have spent countless hours living life to its fullest potential, while parenting and teaching on the go. Then all of the sudden it stopped. Now that we aren’t parenting and teaching on the go, we are consumed by endless hours of family time. Trying to figure new routines, new schedules, and new activities which are confined to the four corners of our Home Sweet Home. All while, crying, thinking, laughing, sulking, and staying busy somehow, and of course eating.
But you see, we were created for just such a time as this! You and I have the power and the potential to lead our families the way we want to lead them. We have the potential to lead them with love and discipline, not emotional chaos. This is important because true discipline is the foundation of respect. You see, when I set up my classroom every year, I have to create an environment of mutual love, respect, acceptance and place where our feelings are validated. As a teacher, I understand that parents have entrusted me with their most precious jewels, their children. Therefore creating this environment is important in order to run a smooth classroom, and do it to the best of my ability. Guess what? You can too!
I know this because the biggest class I have had in my teaching career, has been a class of 35-five-year-olds during the first forty-days of school. The pondering question is, how do we do it? Let me give you one tip. Start by creating a daily routine and schedule and stick to it. Get up, get dressed as if you were going to work and be ready for the day. Yes it’s that simple, children thrive on routines, schedules, and parents that are ready to take on the day delivering true discipline. Discipline where the foundation is respect, love, and logic. What I mean by true discipline, is a type of discipline that is built on the interactions and the relationship you build with your child. In this type of relationship your child knows and understands expectations and knows how to behave because you explain the outcomes and follow through consistently.
The child knows and understands that discipline is not getting their parents attention because, mommy or daddy are annoyed, irritated, or tired. And guess what, a routine with a set schedule gives them the ability to visually understand when it’s time for EVERYTHING. Yes, even that quality time, that many of us up until today had very little time for. I know I have been guilty about how much time I spend with my family and feeling rushed or frustrated because there aren’t enough hours in the day. Therefore, I encourage you to sit down and create a daily or weekly schedule with your family. It keeps you on task and saves your sanity. P.S. Allow your child to make their own schedule (with guidance and support) and watch them flourish.
I invite you to find confidence in starting and making that schedule, you got this. Need help starting one, download one for free here. Write on it to fit your family needs and plans. Stay inspired and don’t forget to add an “alone” time to your schedule and help your family thrive! You got this, you were made for just such a time as this.
Then suddenly, extra beautiful sweet children were pondering about everything with confidence. -Laura Bryant #Tchr888
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